Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Here is a nice Visual Guide to Android 2.0 UI Widgets. An IBM hosted page about working with XML in Android.

Here are some partially answered questions about SQLite database paths. Regarding SQLite database paths and Android, here is a very widely read page about Using your own SQLite database in Android applications.

I really like the Intent and Intent Filters system in Android 2.0

Some applications people are creating are crazy impressive and amazingly complex. LIke OSMDroid! Before you publish, you have to Sign Your Android Applications and you had better Test your Application on an Android Device before you put it on the Market! Whatever you publish, don't publish NotePadv2.

I tried to use Android Google Map View but my experience with the v2 and v3 JavaScript Google Map API has poisoned me. I struggle.

Getting Eclipse to ignore your SVN folders (you are using SVN I hope) is a good idea and is critical to do before you try to publish to the Market. How Do I get Eclipse to Ignore my .SVN Folders?

TableLayouts are fun, but they are even more fun when you can add rows to them! Adding Dynamic Rows to an Android TableLayout. Oh man, Icon Design scares me. I can load Bitmaps with the best of them, but I can't make them to save my life. I guess my applications will always sport that "I hate my users" stock icon look from the Google Android Free Icon Basics and Icon Packs.

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