Tuesday, July 31, 2012

iPhone Tutorials

My research says that if you are going to go all in on the iOS and Apple App Store you need to support iPhone, iPod and iPad all. You cannot skip tablets as easily on iOS as you can on Android, so this tutorial is pretty clutch:

How to Port an Application to iPad

This post about things you wish you knew about cocos2d before you started coding

Another one of Ray Wenderlich's wonderful tutorials (thanks Ray!) about GCD and multiple threads:

Friday, July 20, 2012

Cory vs. UITableView

As I continue my adventure into iPhone development I have struggled a bit with the UITableView concepts.

Tables and lists in Android seem to be much more straight forward and in the end I had to do a lot of reading to figure out how to make a basic scrolling list of data in Objective-C.

First I started reading tutorials:

But that will only get you so far. The problem with tutorials is the confusion of IB changes and various patterns of clicking that must be accomplished to link the correct IBOutlets to the cells and other details.

So I did more Googling and found some additional tutorials:

The tutorials gets you close enough to have some code running but for the most part it just crashed a lot.

This second source of details was really useful and was more of a guide than a tutorial:

Eventually I had to go back to the basics and try to understand how UITableView and UIView get along. As usual, when you go back to the basics you end up on Apple's documentation site:


I am still trying to wrap my mind around the translation of concepts between Android and iOS and the resulting map is a mass of confusion. As I build a better understanding of the two operating systems and SDK I will continue to post mapping blogs.

Monday, July 16, 2012

RPG Tutorial for iPhone Menu

What about making an RPG game on iPhone?

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Some iPhone Development Stuff

I was working on coding some Water-Fuel display systems that needed floating point numbers converted to a 2 decimal place display for the UI.

NSString* formattedNumber = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.02f", myFloat];
This came from a great Stackoverflow question here:

When I'm making lots and lots of model objects from existing applications, I often want to generate Objective-C from JSON or GSON. I use http://tigerbears.com/objectify/ for that.

Trying to figure out some stuff about Apple's in-app purchasing system I learned a lot from reading http://www.raywenderlich.com/2797/introduction-to-in-app-purchases which is an excellent tutorial on an excellent site.