Monday, March 19, 2012

Making Quick Use of NSLog

This post has a lot of helpful pointers on using NSLog with Objective-C to dump objects and structures to the debugger console.

For those of us used to using Android logging away with "ToString()" methods is second nature and this is how I have been debugging / tracing my iOS applications.

I do appreciate that you can use IFDEF and DEBUG to control the code.

NSLog(@"%@", NSStringFromCGPoint(cgPoint));


NSStringFromCGPoint  NSStringFromCGSize  NSStringFromCGRect  

Monday, March 12, 2012


I have been testing out Cocos2d and after installing it xCode started going crazy.

'New File' started crashing

I have installed cocos2d 1.0.1 on xCode 3.2.6, everything is okay, templates are installed and HelloWorld project compiles successfuly.
But when i need to create a new class,after clicking on "New File" i will get this error twice:
File: /SourceCache/DevToolsIDE/DevToolsIDE-1760/pbxinterface/Wizards.subproj/PBXWizardChooserWizard.m
Line: 1158
Method: _addWizardProxiesFromBaseSearchPath:subpath:
Assertion failed: _currentMultiWizard == nil

I had to delete any folder called cocos2d in both my user and system Libraries:

/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/File Templates/

Adding References to Libraries in XCode

It did not work the way that I thought it would.

The tutorial I found that got me past the obvious issues was this:

This tutorial also helped:

And this post was very, very useful figuring out which strategy to go with:

First iOS Bug Cycle

I ran into a compile error today working on an iPhone application using Cocos2d.

The error was:

[CCTouchDispatcher addTargetDelegate:priority:swallowsTouches:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance

and I entered that into Google.

A few results down I found this link:

Which shows a fix that is totally irrelevant to my issue.

I later figured it out on my own. Learning iPhone development so far is fun, but slower than Android.