Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pages From 99% I liked

This piece on the power of uncertain times was a good read:

This one about 25 insights on how to be a better writer was also worth a read:

And this about how a talented executive learned to lead:

And last but not least, 12 attributes of a really great place to work:

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Android Application Trouble with "android.hardware.screen.landscape"

The Problem:

When you upload your APK to the Android Market it is flagged with an awful and mysterious permisison called "android.hardware.screen.landscape" and this limits your devices to a very small number.

The Issue:

You have a landscape application that does not support portrait. However, your application will run on many devices that are rotated even if they do not specifically have the landscape hardware (ie, no portrait mode?)

The Solution:

Add the following line to your AndroidManifest.xml and everything will be fine.


At some point Google added this as a filter during upload. It came on and off for a while depending on what SDK you use. Various people have posted / Tweet'd that it can be fixed with an SDK upgrade. That may or may not be true on your platform or at the time you read this.